Thursday, November 20, 2008

Which Takes Us To Today!

So it is really not a lot of fun being so close to our due date. You can't call anyone without receiving an excited 'hello' only to be followed by the disappointed 'oh' when they find out you are just calling to chat!

Last night Michael and I met up with 3 other couples from our prenatal class for dinner. I do believe that people were scared to drink the water after seeing 4 very pregnant looking ladies walk in! I am the first in line to deliver, but of course we know that doesn't mean anything when it comes to babies!


Anonymous said...

Gina and Michael,
We are thinking of you and excited to hear the news when it happens!
Amy and Skip (Michael's UWP friends)

Lisa and Stanci said...

You are so close, it will be so wonderful when the day is finally here!

Just Me said... left an important tidbit of info in your post. Where did you have dinner? Restaurant reviews are a must in Doha! By the way, you look GREAT!