Sunday, November 9, 2008

Let the Truth be Told

I can remember when we first arrived in Doha, a friend in the compound was telling the story of how her grocery bagger was not at the store that day. I can remember listening to her, half rolling my eyes, thinking to myself are you kidding? She proceeded to explain that this man would bag her groceries, load them into her car and then help her back out of her parking spot. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I just never in a million years thought that I would sink or rise, not sure which, to that level.

Today as I went to pay for my groceries, I thought to myself...where is my little bagger and how am I going to get my groceries to the car??? ;-) Luckily there was another bagger who was eager to step up to the challenge! See you build a relationship with these people. I can give my regular bagger my keys, tell him which car I am driving and let him go, while I stop at my favorite juice stall for some fresh fruit or juice. When he is done, he will come back in and bring me my keys. Of course I do provide a tip, but truly a very small amount to me is quite a bit to him.

So today, not only was my regular bagger gone, but I got caught by a friend from the compound receiving grocery cart assistance! I must say I was quite embarrassed that I was not pushing my own cart to the car. She of course just laughed!

Living is Doha is rough to say the least!!!

1 comment:

maruca said...

You look awesome mama! Wish I could be there to help you!
Love, Maria