Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 2-Swimming Lessons

Kelsey is taking intensive swimming lessons with Miss Glendy. The lessons consist of 5-30 minute one-on-one sessions. The pictures posted today are from day 2. This is a survival swim class and Kelsey is doing awesome!!! Not completely excited about the class ;-) but she is clearly learning and we are so proud of her hard work. Miss Glendy is amazing an truly sent from God and blessed with a gift to teach children (and adults) the survival skills they need to be safe around water.

Day 1 was a bit rough. Kelsey and I were "so excited" and had been talking about taking swimming lessons for several weeks. She knew that her teacher was "Miss Glendy" and couldn't wait to meet her. ;-) Things changed on Monday morning when I started putting her swim costume (that is what Leona would call it) on. When we arrived, I could hear the first student crying away and kept Kelsey away until it was her turn. Of course once it was her turn, the crying started. Miss Glendy just swooped her up and in they went. I had no soon turned around to grab Julia and Kelsey was already in the water learning and floating. I asked Miss Glendy if it was better for me to stay or leave and she said whatever I was comfortable with and if I could stand to see an unhappy Kelsey in the water for 30 minutes. Truly amazing to watch. These lessons aren't cheap and I must say I was quite worried that Kelsey wouldn't get anything out of them. How wrong I was!

By the end of the first day, she was floating on her back, by herself! Miss Glendy commented that Kelsey was a bit...how did she put it...head strong, determined (to get out of the pool). Actually she has a great sense of balance and that determination would make her a great swimmer down the road!

My question at the end of the session was...how do I get her here tomorrow...lol...Miss Glendy laughed and said, "That's your job Mom!"

So as you might imagine, Day 2 was a bit of a struggle to get her suit on, but once it was on, she was good to go. Again, we waited for the other child to finish and then of course, she saw Miss Glendy and was ready to go home. Once again, Miss Glendy swooped her up and in they went. This time, I was ready and I got my camera clicking away! Kelsey was much calmer in the water. Still probably would have been happier to go home, but she clearly learned some life-saving skills today. Afterwards, she was like a limp noodle and I wrapped her up and put her in the car. I said, "Kelsey, I am so proud of you, are you proud of yourself?" She responded, "I am proud of myself." She is such a smart girl!

Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! Day 3, here we come!

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