Thursday, November 11, 2010

At The Little Gym!

Kelsey is having a blast at Little Gym Kingwood. Little Gym incorporates pre-gymnastics skills with music and rhythm. She was a bit apprehensive at first, but after switching around her class time from morning to evening (which means that Daddy can sometimes join us), she really started enjoying herself. Kelsey is in the 'Beasties' group, very appropriately named! She enjoys doing the different activities at her own pace and has grown very comfortable swinging on the bars! She is also very excited to show off her forward roll! When I tell Kelsey in the morning that it is a Little Gym day, she quickly reminds me of "eggs"-shakers that we use to sing the opening song and "boo-boos"-the stamps she will receive for participating on her hands and feet!!!

Kelsey also goes to a Kindermusik class. This week, she really seemed to understand the idea of "a teacher" in both classes. She thinks that Miss Sandy is very silly and loves to follow her as she sings and dances. She thinks Miss Patty does a great job organizing a large group of parents and beasties and has decided that she needs to give Miss Patty "pats" for her job well done (of course this is while Miss Patty is instructing, so we will have to work on that)!

It has been interesting to see her personality develop. I'm not too sure who she takes after! She actually isn't very shy as I may have expected, but instead, she is always eager to go and participate, not holding onto my leg like I would have done! (Sorry Mom!) She is already the best sharer! She completely understands the idea of sharing and is quick to make sure that everyone in the class has their supplies and is ready to participate. She is quick to watch first and will very patiently announce that she is "watching". Sometimes she is happy to only watch. She truly has her own pace and isn't much of a risk taker like her Daddy. The teacher in me thinks that she has a lot to learn about listening, though she can clearly identify her ears! ;-)

1 comment:

Jarvis, Alyson Daudi and Adair said...

Good for you Kelsey! You are going to be a GREAT big sister :0) My kids are so not shy either,neither one. Maybe it comes with being born in Doha, anyway, its fun...usually :0)