Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Am Sucking My Mama's Brain

Okay, so my mom says when you are pregnant that the baby is sucking your brains, making you forgetful and absent minded. Not really the case for me. When I was pregnant, I never misplaced things, and never really forgot things either. Now since Kelsey has arrived things have been a different story. So I realized last night that Crazy Mama Syndrome had definitely hit me when I finally figured out that I had forgotten to take Kelsey to her 1 week pediatrician appointment!!! The funny thing is, my friend Adria asked me how the appointment went and I told her that they just don't do 1 week appointments here. A friend of mine here who had her baby 2 days before Kelsey talked about her 1 week appointment for her baby. Finally I decided to check her appointment card and YUP...I had missed it! So thankfully we were able to get an appointment for this morning and thankfully she got a good bill of health! (And yes, when we got to the appointment, I had realized that I had forgotten her immunization card and hearing and vision screening cards not to mention the stroller!)

After going to the doctor, we went for our first walk around the compound. Now I have to write this because I will so seldom have the opportunity to do so, but WE HAD TO RUSH HOME BECAUSE IT STARTED TO RAIN! Yup, rain in Doha, lots of thunder and rain. (Evidently the Emir did a rain prayer earlier this week, looks like it worked!)

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Gina, just wait until you go to the mall and are casually strolling around holding Michael's hand and you suddenly remember that you've left her in the car! Did that with Kristi when she was six weeks old! Now, keep in mind that she was the brains left to be sucked out...ha!