Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's Raining! It's...

Pouring would be a HUGE overstatement! We had some drops of rain yesterday and today!!! What a surprise to all! Everyone was calling and texting each other to make sure they got a quick glimpse! By the time I got my camera, it was already dried up!!! lol

I have caught some slack for not updating lately, but since I have been working that seems to be all of our excitement! We wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, then go to bed and do it all again! Maybe I can get Macey to come up with some posts for you!

Right now we are counting down, eagerly awaiting our summer trip home!

1 comment:

Jarvis, Alyson Daudi and Adair said...

hey Gina,
Don't you have some more recent news to post and announcements to make, or what?? I was defenitely expecting more than rain on April 10th

