Monday, July 9, 2007

Lake Como, Italy

Well, we made it to Italy. We decided to stay the weekend in Bellagio which is right on Lake Como. It is a quaint little town with many shops and restaurants.

Bellagio was exactly how I pictured Italy. There are narrow roads and cobbled stairways.

We had the most perfect room with an amazing view! Of course according to the website that we used to locate this hotel, it said we would be in a room with a lake view. I just figured we would be able to see a small slice of the lake...WRONG. We had a panoramic view of Lake Como. In fact I think we could even see George Clooney's house (he has a home on Lake Como)!
The churches are beautiful! Of course being that it was July 7, 2007, we got to see a bride and groom as they were leaving the church.

I must say, all we did was walk and walk and walk. We had perfect weather and we just spent our time walking and exploring. We did take a short trip to Verona as well. Of course as many of you can expect, Michael's favorite part has been the Gelato! One shop owner asked Michael if he wanted a small cup and we both started laughing out loud as Michael pointed to a much larger size!!!

1 comment:

Bree said...

Your pictures are beautiful! I can't believe the gorgeous view of Lake Como! Was Italy crowded in the summertime? I was quick to show Grant the pictures after he caught me laughing out loud about Michael wanting the large cup of Gelato! I brought him to our children's world map on the wall of the playroom, when he said, "I know where Italy is, Mom." He pulled out this toy he got at Christmas that shows the countries of the world, their languages, customs;etc. He pointed at Italy before I could bestow my knowledge of Italy's unique shape of a boot. We're hopeful in two years we'll be there in Qatar, too!