Thursday, February 8, 2007

I See a Camel!

Sorry these first couple of posts may be out of order...

Last weekend, we set out in search of the dunes! Please keep in mind, that we currently have a rental car...CAR. It is of great necessity that you purchase 4WD cars.
  1. The traffic/driving is HORRIBLE. Evidently this may be somewhat standard for foreign countries, but it is a long way from driving in the States. You want to make sure you are in a large vehicle!
  2. The city is ALWAYS under construction. You never know when the road you have driving each day will suddenly be under construction and you need to do a little off-roading to get to your destination.

But, like I said, we were in a rental CAR and we did venture out to find the dunes. So, the pictures that are included don't look like much and that is because we really couldn't get that close because we would have needed to do a little off-roading.

It is amazing, you are driving and then all of a sudden there they are, huge mountains of sand! Along the road there a many places to stop and rent 4 wheelers. They have 4 wheelers for adults all the way down to 4 wheelers for a 4 year old. You just pay some money, jump on and off you go! There are just tons of kids and adults just zooming around, you really need to be careful!

So we got to a point where we could not drive any further and there before us were 2 camels just waiting for us to take a ride. What would any other tourist clearly do... jump on! One of the camels was REALLY ornery, that is the one I made Michael ride! ;-)) In many ways it is like riding a horse, except for getting on and off. The camel sits down so that you can get on and then stands up with you on it...Scary...and then the same to get off. All I can say is WE DID IT! We went for a very short ride and yes, all of the Qataris laughed at us, or at least at me for screaming so loudly when the camel stood up. All this excitement for 10 Riyals ($3.64)!!!!


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