Thursday, March 21, 2013

Do What You Love...

...and love what you do.

To many I am probably a bore these days. On my blog, I post pictures of my kids. On Facebook, I post pictures of my kids. When you call me, I tell you about my kids. It's interesting, teacher turned mommy. When Kelsey was born, I felt I had a decision to make. For so long "my kids" were "my students". If you knew me a long time ago, I was a bore then too! I had a scrapbook of teaching memories. If you called me, I told you about "that one who..." If you stopped by on a Saturday night I was preparing lessons for the following week. I actually agonized over the decision of career, mommy, career, mommy. Then it hit me, why couldn't I do both? It was at that moment that I decided to "do what I love" and on some days, you know those days ;-)... I need to remind myself to "love what I do".  So each day as I am awakened too early by the crunch of the carpet as tiny feet approach, I am reminded that I have been given the most amazing gift...the gift to teach, the gift to teach my three little miracles who surprise me every day.

So if you peak into my windows and see me dancing, singing, chasing, crawling, cleaning, cooking, painting, hiding, seeking, sorting, drawing, know that I am doing what I love and I am loving what I do!

And so to not disappoint...more pictures!

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