Monday, August 20, 2012

Grammy & Papa's Visit

We were so lucky to have my parents come and stay with us for 3 weeks! Luckily the nut doesn't fall far from the tree and my mom is an awesome cook and appreciates my obsession with keeping a clean house. ;-) The girls loved having their Grammy and Papa and enjoyed evening swims and lots of silliness. Who knew that throwing away a poopy diaper could be so much fun, "bombs away!" Kelsey still can't get over Grammy using the word, "bummer!" We were all sad to see them go!

Angels whispering in his ear.

Julia loves him!

Kelsey's a little mommy!

Zach loves to be held, notice he isn't being held in this picture! ;-)

His standard pose.

The girls are absolutely wiped out!

First tubby!

Not too sure about it all.

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