Monday, July 25, 2011

Julia-6 months

6 Month Stats

Weight: 16 pounds 2 ounces
Height: 26.5 inches
Nicknames: Sissy Katherine, Sissy, Jules, JuJuBe
Julia's Playlist: Gimme A Little Kiss (Grammie sings this to her and she beams), The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Milestones: Laughing, sitting up, starting to wave (so my neighbor told me ;-)), Michael hears her say "Da-Da" (that is okay, she has been saying Mama since she was 2 months), today she said "hug" and would hug Kelsey...NO JOKE!

Okay, so this is turning into an almost 7 month old post! At Julia's 6 month check up, she was so great for the new pediatrician. He said she had the concentration and attention of a 9 month old...wait for it...SHE'S ADVANCED!!! ;-)))

Julia enjoyed her first road trip up to Chitown to see her family. She loved meeting all of her aunts, uncles and cousins. It was a special treat to get to spend time with her Great Grammas! And of course living at Grammie and Papas is always a bonus.

So if I had written this post while we were there, I would have told you how great Julia sleeps in her pack-n-play, all through the night. However, since being home that is not the case. I personally can't figure it out. Thought maybe she didn't like her crib and put her back into the same pack-n-play used at Grammies and no such luck. Par for the course I suppose!

She has started eating solids. I was a bit concerned that she wasn't too interested in solid foods. Thankfully I quickly learned that it was just an aversion to rice cereal, as I was tired of having rice cereal spit at me. Forget that bland mush, she was ready for the good stuff. Bring on the carrots, sweet potatoes and apples! She is quite a messy eater but she is enjoying ever spoonful. She is also intrigued by puffs and is having a blast trying to get even just one into her mouth. She loves sucking on ice through her mesh net thingamabobs. Oh and add mint chocolate chip ice cream to her likes...Grammie and Papa are bad news!!! ;-)

She loves to play and grabs everything in sight, even if it is a pair of scissors!!! She enjoys being outside in the evenings. She took her first dip in a pool (no not ours) yesterday and loved it. She does not like to be alone and can be quite demanding to be held.

While she continues to love her sister and laughs like crazy at her, Kelsey is beginning to demonstrate some nasty feelings towards Julia in regards to sharing. Since Julia is now reaching for toys, Kelsey's toys of course, Kelsey has decided that sharing isn't as much fun as she once thought. We are working on this with Kelsey. ;-)

We are all still totally in love with Miss Jules!

1 comment:

Jarvis, Alyson Daudi and Adair said...

Hey Gina,

Julia is so adorable, love the big 'Minnie Mouse' bow, very cute! :0)