Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Finally...They Arrived!

So Kelsey and I were out shopping with our friend, Alyson and her 2 little ones. As we were leaving, Alyson bent down to say goodbye to Kelsey and said, "Oh looks like her teeth are coming in!" WHAT! WHERE! There they were, clear as the nose on her face! How had I ever missed them!?! And I had been checking!!!

Okay, so it isn't easy to take a picture of can hardly see them really!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad that you are back to posting regularly on your blog - I missed it when you were in the US and so busy with visiting everyone. (I hate to say that knowing how special this time was for you and your families/friends). I am just so impressed with all of the video and pictures! I wish I had gotten you to show me how to do such things. That Kelsey just gets cuter and smarter by the day! And now she has TEETH! She'll be talking soon and eating the same things that you and Michael do. I am glad that the jet lag is about over. She has amazed me at how good a long-term traveler she has been - it's a shame that the jet lag has been such a problem this time.