Wednesday, February 11, 2009


One minute I had the window open and the next I was racing to shut it. Out of nowhere came a very windy and powerful dust storm! It was really amazing (and for those of you who know me...I just love it...rushed to call Michael and excitedly explain what was happening!!!).

Well as amazing as a sandstorm can be! The dust is so fine that even with a screen, within a matter of seconds, your house will be covered. I have learned this the hard way one too many times. ;-)

I received classified information that the latest restaurant to hit Doha is a Quiznos!!! Kelsey and I were going to go and find it today...we will have to see if we can try tomorrow!


Just Me said...

Of course, if you need directions to know I've already found it! ;)

Gina and Michael said...

Am I the only one who didn't know we had a Quiznos? Seriously! Is it the same?