Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh No, Not Another Project!

Those of you who know us know that Michael and I love to do little projects together. Some of you might recall us landscaping at midnight in the middle of a thunderstorm. Or how about that kitchen counter tile job we did in Mobile! Each of these projects really just strengthens our marriage!!!

Well I had a wonderful idea Thursday night, remember Thursday is our Friday. I decided that we should go to the paint store and buy a couple of gallons of paint! So at the paint store at 7:30 at night, I turn to Michael and "ask" we are going to start tonight, aren't we??? Our villas here are pretty big, but there aren't a lot of walls, so there really isn't much to paint. But of course there are things to be moved and cleaned up...etc. So we got one coat on our entry way!

Friday morning as we were looking at what we had done the night before, we decided that we wanted to move around furniture as well. So Michael started moving and I started painting our next project, area leading to the stairs. Of course while all this is going on, we noticed that a little neighborhood toddler was coming up to our porch to pet my very unfriendly feral friends! UGH! So I went running out to make sure she didn't get too close. (These two cats really just act like they live here!) So of course, I quickly explained to the parents that the cats are not friendly and NOT mine. Come to find out they are new to Doha and from Houston! Of course, then Michael invites them in...UGH! I of course have a panic attack because the house is a HUGE MESS...stuff everywhere...we have had a lot of wind lately so of course there is too much dust for my taste! But sure, come on in! They must have thought we were nuts, Michael in his Halloween pjs and me in my "Don't Be Crabby" pjs! Priceless!

I am happy to report that as of 6 pm, we are done. The house is rearranged and clean, very important! Starting to feel much more like our home.

Yes, you are seeing correctly...Michael holding a bottle of 409!!!

I will post pictures of the transformation tomorrow!



Just HAVE to say again, "Love the jammies!!!" Also, how did you make that first picture? Is it from all the sand/dust that has come in these past few days?

Jarvis, Alyson Daudi and Adair said...

Yep, LOVE the pjs!

Jarvis, Alyson Daudi and Adair said...

I can't beleive you didn't wear the 'I love Doha' suit though...or maybe you are keeping those for special occasions. Wouldn't want to get paint on them then :0)

(sorry i forgot all my insiteful comments in the first comment posting...duh!)

Just Me said...

Nice job guys...I love the color. Excellent choice of songs, I may have to use that one day!

Gina and Michael said...

A-I am surely saving the 'I Love Doha' pjs!
L-The first picture...I painted that on the wall first!!! Pretty sneaking, huh?