My nephew, Chase, keeps asking us if we have seen a camel spider! I probably would not be staying in Doha if we had. Actually, I had never heard of a camel spider and so here are some of the findings that Chase has researched and shared with us! (BREE-WE HAVE NOT SEEN THESE IN DOHA!)The information posted below as well as more information about Camel Spiders can be found at: Also known as Camel spider, Wind scorpions,

This weird looking arachnid is not in fact a scorpion or spider at all but belongs to its own order-
solifugid. This species can attain a leg span of 5” and a body of 2”. Wind spiders are fast moving aggressive hunters, capable of over powering much larger prey than itself. Its front pair of legs are modified as feelers to detect and pull its prey into its large over sized jaws. Its three pairs of legs are capable of speed making this creature a fast moving killing machine. The wind spider is adapted to life in the desert and can withstand the harsh environment well. As its name suggests it can sometimes be seen tumbling around in sand storms. To escape the worst of the environment they sometimes make burrows under bushes, buildings etc. The female will also make a burrow to lay her eggs.
1 comment:
I'm glad to hear you have not seen these delightful creatures yourself.
Grant started kindergarten this week and attempted to "escape" (his words) 3+ times the first day, but then decided school was fun. God bless his teacher!
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